New Year. Fresh Starts.

New Year. Fresh Starts.

Happy New Year!!!! 2023 is behind us and it's a new opportunity to fresh ourselves mind, body, soul and your home. As many of us begin to take down holiday decorations and tuck them away, it is a great opportunity to give your home a refresh, transitioning from festive energy to a calmer and cozier feel. You can take stock of how you have used items in the past and see if they work with your current style or new lifestyle if you are setting resolutions.

Here are some items you can add to your home to make it warm and comfortable for the winter season. You can try layering cozy fabrics and textures, adding pops of color, switching up your home's accessories and decor. You can even restyle your mantles, tables and consoles. Plants are also always a great way to bring in some fresh oxygen and softness to corners of your home. 

Undoubtedly, when thinking about updating your home you think of the expense. But it doesn't have to be expensive. The easiest way to transform your space is to change up the layout, moving the sofa under the window. You can rearrange them to face each other if you have multiple sofas. Bring in furniture or decor from other rooms. You will be quite surprised how that red vase in one room can be the thing that brightens up the space. Even the smallest tweaks can make a major difference.


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